You are growing up in the 21st Century. This is such an incredible time to be alive - with the click of a button, you can speak to anyone, anywhere in the world, and see their faces in real time. You can hop on a plane and see parts of the world your ancestors could only dream about. You know within minutes if something terrible has happened on the other side of the world, and you can quickly check Facebook to know if your friend has been "marked safe." You can find any information you need to help you make any decision you need to make. And you have access to incredible, life-saving medical care should you ever need it. It's a truly remarkable time to be alive.
But there's something you need to know: You are not God. You were created and formed and given life by the One who created this world. He gave you dreams and a future and the most incredible mind. He gave you power in your words and access to himself through Jesus. He gave you free will to make choices and decisions. Decisions that truly are yours to make. But He did not make you the god of your life. You are not God.
As you walk through your life here on earth, I pray that you will always remember that there is someone far greater and far more powerful than yourself. And oh, He loves you so much. You are the product of His heart and mind and purposes. And I hope that knowing that will give you peace. You don't have to be God. There are decisions that are not yours to make.
Something happened this week that garnered a lot of attention in the social media world. Another state removed bans on abortion. I wish that I had to explain to you what abortion is, but I know that you already know. You will have learned about this in your school books. We will have to have early conversations about it at home. And my heart breaks to say that it will be regarded in most places as progress. As women's rights. Your freedom to choose.
But let me remind you: You are not God. With more rights comes more responsibility. And there are responsibilities that God never intended you to have. The power over life and death was never intended to be yours. It's a power that you were not created to bear. And children, I pray that you will never take on the weight of thinking that it is a choice you have to make. It's far too much for your human heart.
As your mother, I pray that you will never be in a position where you are faced with this choice. My heart aches to think of you encountering something so difficult. But if you do, I pray you will remember that you are not God and it is not your responsibility to make that choice. I pray that you will never forget that the power of life and death is in the hands of one so powerful that even the wind and waves obey His voice. One so powerful that people rise up from the dead at His command. From One so powerful that He knows the end from the beginning. And you, my children, do not have to bear the weight of decisions that only He is qualified to make.
My children, I also pray if you ever find yourself in a place where you've taken on a responsibility that you were not designed for, and the weight of it is too heavy to bear, that you would know how far and wide and deep is the love of and grace of your Father. Nothing you do will ever outweigh the love He has for you.
My children, I also pray if you ever find yourself in a place where you've taken on a responsibility that you were not designed for, and the weight of it is too heavy to bear, that you would know how far and wide and deep is the love of and grace of your Father. Nothing you do will ever outweigh the love He has for you.
I want you to know that I'm not blind to the pain and brokenness of this world. I see the situations that seem too heavy to bear. The mother who ultimately sacrifices her life for the baby she's never met. The father who loses his precious wife and baby. I ask why. I get angry. I cry out that it isn't fair. But I also see the family who is faced with the unknown, and knows that they can rest in knowing that the one who created their child, holds their child in His arms. I've watched the baby who was given mere seconds to live, smiling and chunky at almost a year old. I've seen the baby who was born not breathing, filled with life and breath, thriving and filling each room he enters with life. I've seen the mother who was told she may not survive childbirth watch all four of her beautiful children grow up.
So, precious children of mine, if you are presented with choices that are not yours to make, I pray you'll find peace and hope in resting in the One qualified to make those decisions instead. The One who works all things together for the good of those who love Him are all called according to His purpose. I pray that when you face things that don't make sense and break you in the deepest way, you will never forget that your Creator loves you. I pray that you will see miracles unimaginable. But mostly, I pray that you will never forget that you are not God, and that that is a good thing.